Elliott Shide

I unironically enjoy IPAs
— Elliott Shide

Rod immediately had to go look up the word unironically to make sure he understood that Elliott wasn’t being ironic… Yep, the definition of unironically is:

[adverb. in a way that is not ironic or mocking; without affectation; sincerely]

He truly enjoys a good IPA beer.

Whatever you do, please do not tell Elliott that he looks like a young Steven Segal- If he has been drinking IPA beer, it doesn’t end well [picture the end of a fight scene from a film where Steven Segal leaves everyone laying on the ground].

Even more strange, Elliott was in a Spanish immersion school from kindergarten through his senior year of high school yet somehow he can barely speak Spanish. He also thinks it is pretentious to say “Barthelona” when talking about Barcelona, Spain (even though Rod insists it is the correct way to say it).

His favorite pastime is playing billiards at a bar with friends. Yep, he is likely drinking an IPA while shooting pool.

Elliott has two cats, Lindstrom and Tenzin. Yep, he’s another cat person in the office.